






Me.....being grateful for every thing, every breath, every day of this life
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reach out! Connect! Share! Be love!

Hey y'all!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
I give gratitude to each and every living, breathing, thing.

The deal is this: I have started a blog for communication purposes. I want to reach out and touch the world! I am to be moving very far away very soon and I want to keep in touch with old friends and family and also find some new connections! I would love to chat with other Yogis, Moms, Army wives, Reiki practitioners and artists. I am all of the above. Sometimes my life feels disjointed with all these different hobbies, loves and positions but I am just celebrating it all together here on this blog! I feel like a master of some of my crafts and a novice at others. I plan to post pearls of wisdom, good juicey quotes, things I have loved, seen and learned and would just like to share. I also would love to hear advice, tips and network about all of these things as well. So please do share with me! From Army wives trying to connect with one another to parenting tips and Yoga studios that are great, share, share with me!!! Please excuse any spelling errors and I am obviously NOT a paid writer ;) Just a way layed back kinda gal!

I have SCAD illustration degree and plan to dive back into painting soon and recapture the "fine" in art. I feel art in America has become too digital.

I have taught Yoga professionally for over eight years all over the US...workshops, private lessons, prenatal Yoga, children's Yoga, vinyasa, dynamic, Bikram, Anusara, plain old beginner and advanced Yoga and Yoga for the happily challenged. And guess what....the more I study the more I feel like I should not be teaching.....too much more to learn!!!! I have practiced with many great teachers and in many great styles and traditions but I call my style TAO Yoga, the Yoga of simplicity and pure happiness. And I combine all of the things I love about each thing I have ever practiced. For now I am taking a brief break-ola from the teaching realm -I desire to be a student and a student alone for a bit.

I love Reiki. I am certified to the highest level in Reiki, level III practitioner/teacher. What is it? Created by Dr. Mikao Usui, a native of Japan, in the 1800's. It has been associated with Christianity. I call it the Japanese form of massage therapy. It is a deep relaxation process for both the receiver and the practitioner. It can be compared to hands on prayer. It manipulates the subtle energies of the body to make you feel super duper. In China they call it Chi, in India they call it Prana and in Japan they call it Ki....we westerners are the only ones who have no name for it...the reason that life exists, the vital life force energy, the carbon stuff. Why does muscle not only heal but also improve when we rip it? Life force energy. God. Good stuff, and that is what we Reiki people deal with. Yay.

I have a 19 month old child, and that is a year and a half for those of you who don't get the "month" thing. Mirabelle. My love of my life. We are beginning to potty train and I again realize how much I do not know. Just when you start to feel like a pro at parenting, they poop on the floor. Who knew! That one is going to be a slow process and that is O-K.

Army wives unite! I do not know any of them hardly! Reach out and touch me! My shot schedule for my daughter has prevented her from being accepted into any of the local child care facilities. I need support, babysitters and love...badly! So there has to be another woman like me!? Right? let me know who ya are! Currently we are living off post Fort Gordon, Augusta GA....let me know you are out there so we can have dinner or wine and I do not go insane.

So give me some tips on Yoga, dining, wine, art galleries, parenting/potty training tips or just sign my guest book and say hi for peat's sake!!