I think I will try to post a new thought, tip, question or intention almost every day!? So visit me often, if you'd like! Today I am needing to reflect on one of my very favorite quotes that is by one of my very favorite authors:
"Everything you experience is for the benefit of your soul." ~Gary Zukav
That one is a tough pill to swallow. When we deal with loss, death, anger, sadness, abuse or any kind of heartache or trouble, it is almost impossible to know, in the acute sense of that feeling, that this experience could actually be a gift. Good for us! BENEFIT us. I have re-quoted and revisited this quote so many times in my life. I always send it to friends and my students when they are going through a hard time. They might want to throw it back at me?! HA! It really is a tough pill though, huge one, to actually believe that we can benefit from our struggles. And then to take it a step further I have also studied the theory that we actually subconsciously CREATE our problems! Well aint that lovely! Oh, so I attracted that abuse? That drunk driver that hit ME was MY fault? No! No way. Well I believe it is this way. I don't really like to use the word fault either. It is the law of attraction. Once you realize what you can create and control, it can be so magical. I believe our conscious and subconscious are dancing together to God's music. We create everything on our worlds. I totally love and believe in the study of quantum physics. This goes right along with the law of attraction. I am sure you all have heard of, or made fun of the book/movie The Secret. There are things I love and not so much love about that book and movie. One thing I love is that it reminds us to every single day in baby steps try to stay positive and have gratitude. And that right there is really the key to everything, I say! Thank you to my old friend Laura Valerie who gave a copy of the Secret to me years ago...that is when my life started to truly turn around for the better for the very first time. Also, I have not finished it yet, but the book called The Slight Edge, Secret to a Successful Life by, Jeff Olson is truly awesome amazingness. Thank you David (my LFI business partner) for passing that along to me. It is all about making good choices in little tiny opportunities every day, all day. He says, about many topics, over and over in the book, "It is easy to do! But it is also easy NOT to do." So pick up that litter you walked by on the road and throw it in that trash can!!!! Smile at that upset-looking stranger. It is all easy to do. Success is easy to achieve. It is also easy NOT to achieve.
Gary Zukav, (my fav) wrote a few books in the 80's and 90's. The book I quoted him out of today is called The Seat of The Soul. He and this book were a topic on Oprah but seriously like ten years ago, so he might not be so well known anymore. And the fact that I am still quoting him and read his book in about ten minutes flat....well....that really says something, cuz Mamma aint a good reader!!!
Another quote I have needed recently was from the Mayo Clinic on the subject of Forgiveness:
"Forgiveness takes away the power the other person continues to wield in your life. Through forgiveness, you choose to no longer define yourself as a victim. Forgiveness is done primarily for yourself, and less so for the person who wronged you."
hmmmmmm. Juicy, good, stuff says I.
So everyone out there find yourself some love right there in your own heart! Give some gratitude to yourself, the check out lady or to God! And try to understand even the hardest things to understand. Open yo mind :)
Love ya! ~Bec
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