I love Summer to bits and pieces!!!!! Maybe it is because my own birth was this time of year? To me it has been and still is the mystical combination of; trips to the pool, warm nights cool with conversation on back porches, sun smiling in my happy day time eyes, frigid, crisp apples, toddler dancing through the grass and hose's rainbow sprays of clean, cold water to soothe hot skin on arms and face, darkened skin, pink cheeks sweet with a small sting of the sun, it all makes my body open, vibrant and shout out in excited abundant happiness like fireworks from my gut and heart! Additionally, my birthday was in June and I celebrated turning 30 years! I am loving this shift, new decade and season!
This is all why I have not been blogging as much either! Ha! Been having too much fun.
So I have many good posts to come. I decided rather than blabbing daily or almost daily about meaningless thoughts or experiences, I will instead only post when I have something really important and big to say, which really still happens about once a week (smile). I was a Yoga instructor for many years...still am...just taking a sabbatical to rest, learn and grow for now....but teaching requires you to be inspirational to your students, or at least try to be and also have a lot to say. And I felt, before my certification, that I did have a lot to share. I am nothing special. No one more ordinary or extraordinary than the next chic. What I have had is the large gift of struggle, pain and have been taught by some AMAZING teachers. So I felt the need to pass it all on. I sought/seek to pass on what I have learned from injuries and "mistakes" and also what I have taken and digested from some wonderful Yoga and meditation instructors as well as some righteous college professors. And so my blog turned into an extension of my teaching. A dharma talk at the end or beginning of each Yoga class seeks to cradle a lesson or idea explained and to be inspirational (hopefully) to the students as they practice or take their Yoga into daily life. My blog will just be a longer version of these ideas I am finding. And I am diggin' it. So please check back often. Currently in the works, I have an article on life lessons and Mothers coming as well as a miraculous story I have experienced about the Indian Saint Ammachi who is in a word: extraordinary.

For now my writing has taken a backseat to playing in the sun with my daughter, Mirabelle. For those of you who do not know, the name Mirabelle in Latin and French means: wondrous beauty like a miracle. We loved that meaning for a traditional southern name!! For where we met, the good ol' south, Chad and I thought this baby name was perfect. And it turns out it is. It turns out that our daughter has a beauty that far surpasses our own. She truly is miraculous to us and brings wondrous beauty and light into our daily lives. Here are some shots to share from our last few days.
Be blogging again soon, and everyone....please ENJOY your summer!!!!! I send so much love and wondrous beauty to you all.