I am dedicating today's entry to those who have inspired me most in my life time. All though there are too many singers, writers, artists and teachers who have greatly touched me and changed me to even mention, I still would like to name a few. I have searched for my college poetry professor online and have not been able to find her. I actually want to talk with her again someday. Alas, she was wonderful and her name was Martha Furlong. I think Poetry I and II were in my top five favorite classes in college. She taught us so well and I loved her sassy attitude. She loved Sylvia Plath and Martinis and I loved Mrs. Furlong.
When looking up synonyms for the word: inspiration, I found the coolest different meanings. In one source:
inspiration | |
Part of Speech: | noun |
Definition: | Divine guidance and motivation imparted directly. |
Synonyms: | afflatus |
How divine is that!? To say that someone who inspires you could be Divine in essence, or the experience is Divine of being inspired. Perhaps I could even go so far as to say that when we are inspired, it could be a direct experience all of our connectedness to God and to one another, our Oneness. I love it.
In another source:
inspiration | |
Part of Speech: | noun |
Definition: | A sudden exciting thought. |
Synonyms: | brainstorm |
And how is exciting is that!!?? Of course it is. When someone or something inspires me I feel the need to drop whatever I am holding (hopefully not the baby), run to a studio and begin to create. Weather it be write, sketch, paint, sculpt or simply do Yoga and meditate, I love that exciting feeling.
In the last source I checked:
inspiration | |
Part of Speech: | noun |
Definition: | The act of breathing in. |
Synonyms: | inhalation |
How could I have forgotten about this definition?! Ha! And how cool that it can combine meanings in my mind. Ah! To take in a fresh, clean, morning breath! It is just like bringing in a fresh new perspective and/or idea. To breathe in new O2 can bring vitality and cleanse the mind, blood and body just like a miraculous idea can. Maybe that is why I love Yoga so much, it is multiple patterns of inspirations! Ha!
So here are the folks I love to love, thank you all for being.

This is Shiva Rea. Yoga instructor, surfer, dancer and many more things but really an inspiration to Becca. If I ever said, I wish I could be more like.....the only person I would say is Shiva Rea. She says she is not interested in "doing" Yoga, but rather BEING Yoga. Nuff said, sister. I aspire to be half as strong, peaceful, centered, healthy and intellectual as she. Both of these photos were placed in Yoga calendars around the time I discovered her, I believe back in the late 90's early 2000. Check out: http://www.shivarea.com/ for the very best Yoga DVD's you could ever want.

This is one of Paul Cezanne's famous paintings called Mount Saint Victoire. He painted this mountain several times in several different ways. He is the father of cubism. The reason why art is the way it is, in my opinion. As my sister Lisa (always an inspiration) so eloquently puts it, "the beauty of art is making a simple brushstroke look like a peach, rather than trying to paint to look like a photograph." That is art man. And Paul knew this better than anyone. I was lucky enough to see his private studio and this exact view out the window, in Provence, France. Yes, I feel cool.