So I picked up this book yesterday and would love to share the main idea of it with other Moms or anyone interested in medicine.
The book I am currently reading is called Healthy Child, Whole Child. It is written by two M.D.s and a forward by Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. (who I adore). It explores the integration of Conventional and Alternative Medicine to keep your kids healthy.
A good quote or two from the book:
"How does integrative medicine differ? Unlike conventional medicine, integrative medicine is not focused on fighting disease or suppressing symptoms, but on supporting the body's own natural healing processes. The principle is especially important in treating children, who have the potential to heal so much faster than adults. As most parents have witnessed, a child can bounce back from a fever or heal a cut virtually overnight.
With its emphasis on prevention, self-care, and the importance of trying gentle non-invasive therapies first, integrative medicine upsets the whole American paradigm of medicine as a war between doctors and invading diseases. Integrative practitioners work with the whole person-not just a collection of unconnected body parts-enlisting the patient's mind, body, and spirit in healing. They look for the underlying casues of health problems instead of only addressing the symptoms. An integrative practitioner offers a wider range of theraputic options. We look at possible therapies-conventional and otherwise-with a cautious scientific attitude, choosing those that are most likely to offer safe and effective treatment for a particular individual."
~I am extremely interested in this type of care and had this type of care for my child in Savannah, before we recently moved. My daughter's pediatrician was Dr. Ramos. he has a conventional pediatric practice involving integrative medicine. Loved that guy! I am concerned because being in the Army, although the free care is fantastic, it does not give you the room to choose an integrative practitioner. Currently my daughter is prescribed to be on a steady dose of antibiotics every single day, forever until they "get her in" to be tested for a possible obstructionin in her urinary system. I love her new pediatrician at the Army hospital but do NOT love giving her meds every day until they can fit us in!!! Frustrated. So I am reading this book to make my own decisions in the future and also to discuss with whatever doc we get from here on out about this type of care.
Dr. Andrew Weil says in the forward (and I could not agree more and wish everyone agreed):
"These are the basic principles of Integrative Medicine:
-A partnership must exist between patient and practitioner in the healing process
-Good treatment should include appropriate use of all available methods to facilitate the body's innate healing response
-Physicians must consider all factors that influence health, wellness, and disease, including mind, spirit and community as well as body
-Doctors should not reject conventional medicine nor accept alternative medicine uncritically
-Good medicine should be based on good science and open to new paradigms
-Doctors should use more natural, less invasive interventions whenever possible
-Medicine must address the broader concepts of health promotion and disease prevention as well as the treatment of illness
-Practitioners themselves should be models of health and healing, committed to theprocess of self-explorationand self-development"
Go Dr. Weil!!! You so totally rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will let ya know what happens with Mirabelle's health.
Love to all!!!!
The book I am currently reading is called Healthy Child, Whole Child. It is written by two M.D.s and a forward by Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. (who I adore). It explores the integration of Conventional and Alternative Medicine to keep your kids healthy.
A good quote or two from the book:
"How does integrative medicine differ? Unlike conventional medicine, integrative medicine is not focused on fighting disease or suppressing symptoms, but on supporting the body's own natural healing processes. The principle is especially important in treating children, who have the potential to heal so much faster than adults. As most parents have witnessed, a child can bounce back from a fever or heal a cut virtually overnight.
With its emphasis on prevention, self-care, and the importance of trying gentle non-invasive therapies first, integrative medicine upsets the whole American paradigm of medicine as a war between doctors and invading diseases. Integrative practitioners work with the whole person-not just a collection of unconnected body parts-enlisting the patient's mind, body, and spirit in healing. They look for the underlying casues of health problems instead of only addressing the symptoms. An integrative practitioner offers a wider range of theraputic options. We look at possible therapies-conventional and otherwise-with a cautious scientific attitude, choosing those that are most likely to offer safe and effective treatment for a particular individual."
~I am extremely interested in this type of care and had this type of care for my child in Savannah, before we recently moved. My daughter's pediatrician was Dr. Ramos. he has a conventional pediatric practice involving integrative medicine. Loved that guy! I am concerned because being in the Army, although the free care is fantastic, it does not give you the room to choose an integrative practitioner. Currently my daughter is prescribed to be on a steady dose of antibiotics every single day, forever until they "get her in" to be tested for a possible obstructionin in her urinary system. I love her new pediatrician at the Army hospital but do NOT love giving her meds every day until they can fit us in!!! Frustrated. So I am reading this book to make my own decisions in the future and also to discuss with whatever doc we get from here on out about this type of care.
Dr. Andrew Weil says in the forward (and I could not agree more and wish everyone agreed):
"These are the basic principles of Integrative Medicine:
-A partnership must exist between patient and practitioner in the healing process
-Good treatment should include appropriate use of all available methods to facilitate the body's innate healing response
-Physicians must consider all factors that influence health, wellness, and disease, including mind, spirit and community as well as body
-Doctors should not reject conventional medicine nor accept alternative medicine uncritically
-Good medicine should be based on good science and open to new paradigms
-Doctors should use more natural, less invasive interventions whenever possible
-Medicine must address the broader concepts of health promotion and disease prevention as well as the treatment of illness
-Practitioners themselves should be models of health and healing, committed to theprocess of self-explorationand self-development"
Go Dr. Weil!!! You so totally rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will let ya know what happens with Mirabelle's health.
Love to all!!!!
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