So my weight, health and wellness took a back seat to recently learning about my daughter's learning skills. I had more than one conversation with some folks who think she might need to be tested for a learning disability, possibly ADHD. While, I have had those suspicions about her high spirit and concentrating skills within the last year, I always wrote them off due to our big, international home move along with the fact that she is two and half. But my suspicions slaughtered my usual laughter and smiles and became replaced with tons of tears and fear. I know I can handle anything, I am super strong. But I would hate for my daughter to go through life struggling in some way. And then I realized.....every body struggles with something, sometime! This is nothing we cannot see as a gift. The plain truth is, she is amazing and that is all I am focusing on and that is how I must teach her to think as well. Though our recent 5-10 experiences in a class or group-type setting have hinted to the fact that she is slightly different than her peers, does not mean I am running to the local testing office to find out what might be "wrong" with her. We will talk to her pediatrician in good time and for now we are enjoying Mirabelle being colorful Mirabelle and finding bliss in her lively energy. I am eager to put her into a toddler educational English-Japanese program very soon and we will take it all from there. One step at a time.
I was recently looking only at how to lose weight, be at my best for my daughter and stay at my optimal health while this all sprung up. I hit a plateau with my weight loss. It taught me that stress is, in fact, controllable and very much effects your weight, fight or flight chemicals and sleep. Why do we do this stress-freak-out-thing over and over if we know it is bad for us? I will tell you why: so that we can perfect how to live in peace. We need practice for this! So I am welcoming all challenges and seeing them as gifts now. I am being patient with my fitness and breathing through my typhoon-tsunami-earthquake of a life right now! (literally!) Peace will all come to me in a balanced full circle like a reliable tide with patience, diligence, NOT giving up and constantly remembering what my goals are.
And what are my goals? My main goal right now is to enjoy life with my family, along with my fitness and growing my business back up, now that we have moved to Japan. I recently sold some couches and bought some new ones. I find that being laid back, steady, patient, honest and super kind is the very best way to do business. Seems simple enough!? But I started my own business a few years ago in the states. It has here and there gone: o-k. I have struggled from time to time with the massive growth that I saw others around me, within my company gaining while, my growth stayed slow, stagnant and sometimes even shrunk. I know I have the skills, knowledge and power to make my business shine, be huge, dramatically financially lucrative and abundant and most importantly: to help other people in my network achieve the same for themselves! I have two passions in life; 1-Health and wellness/feeling good and 2-Helping people. My business embraces both of these passions. I adore the health and wellness products that my company produces, they are the finest of their kind and save lives, I hear the testimonies daily. And my business, with them, helps people achieve their health, financial and time freedom goals. I have everything I need and doing everything I am passionate about. So where is the problem?
....It seems a bit silly, I really do it for fun, but it is scary how accurate this next piece is.....Today I got this message from a digital horoscope/tarot card that is sent to me daily:
You have work to do now, but your biggest hurdle may be the limitations that you place upon yourself. Your current struggle may not be apparent to anyone else, because you can keep your insecurities well hidden if you don't want to talk about your worries. Just make sure that your unwillingness to share your concerns doesn't turn into a deeper level of denial. Acknowledging your apprehension is the first step to overcoming it.
The Queen of Wands
An intelligent and savvy businesswoman who commands loyalty and intelligence in those around her. A woman who will not be fooled. Female enterprise. Confident and generous woman. Sensual and passionate female energy. Lover of life and those willing to explore it with her. A feminine leader able to lead the masses. A woman able to see big picture and delegate accordingly.
And that first bit, that horoscope is dead on right! I have always been a big believer of "fake it 'til you make it." And while I always believed in my "some day" success, I was stuck in the reality of the fact that I was NOT THERE YET. So instead, I am now adopting a more truthful attitude. Here are the facts: I am on a team with the top people in my company and I am proud to say I am closely connected to them, learning from them and they are (for real) my business partners. I have abundance all around me. But also it is true, currently my business is not where I want it to be. Maybe it is because I have never been really, really honest -like my horoscope said...both to myself and others! But on this same astrological day, I received the tarot message, just below that horoscope. I celebrate that too! I know I am a powerful leader and business woman. I know I have what it takes to achieve the goals within my business that I dream of. It is not a matter of IF, it is a matter of WHEN. And so I am taking the advice of the horoscope. I am being honest. NO, I am not where I totally want to be with financial and career success. But YES, I do have others around me, training me, helping me who ARE where I want to be and I see the path unfolding to lead me there. I can envision my goals through their reality and then I will continually help my recruits do the same for themselves as we grow together. I am celebrating this acknowledgement. I love what I do and this happiness will turn into fruitfulness. The "beginner" is behind me, the "novice" is my current place and the "leader" is my future. I have abandoned the limitations I have placed upon myself. This is all making me a better teacher to help others.
So with the first hot pink toe nails of the year (yay for coming warmth and Spring!!), I am going out to dinner tonight with my new found self respect and new found girlfriends on Okinawa. I am sitting within the ease of love for my daughter and for our world being just as it is, smart business and embracing humble success and truth in process. I am happy where I am, even though there are still some pounds to lose, muscle to gain, classes to take, money to earn and couches to move. For now it is onto my high heels.......
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