The weather is cool here in Massachusetts. Both my sisters and parents live in New England within an hour of one another. I am the odd ball who resides down south. So I am visiting family for the last time before I leave for another hemisphere! Uncle Sam is sending us to Okinawa soon for about 2 years. I grow very excited for the trip. I hear nothing but amazingly good things about Japan and Okinawa. I know there is a Divine force in my life when big trips like these find me and I find them.
I feel so blessed to be in Massachusetts right now. It is not as warm as I would like it to be. We are not as close to the ocean as I might like. But when it was hot with past visits, we had equally as good of a time as I am having now. And when my parents used to live a mile from the beach we never really went that often anyway.
It is about family. And being together. And we are doing that. Loving that. We've stayed up after the grandkids have gone down. Had lovely dinners together and talks and shoulder shaking laughs.

It is amazing to see a new generation of little kid cousins enjoying one another. They know even at 2 and 3 that these are no day care fellow children, these kids are blood. They share a bond and know one another and how the Mom and Dads are loving each other and they are in a free, safe and loving place. It is bliss to see and enjoy their laughing and light.

I will miss visiting New England. I had some incredible lobster today. I plan to have more before I leave next week!
I want to say thank you to my wonderful family. Life is good with a group of fine folks like you. I am truly blessed.
Everyone, today, go call your relatives, near or far, and tell them they are special. Family, like 'um or not will ALWAYS be your blood, always be your people and loving them no matter what is the best thing you can do. That is my theme for the day.
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