Savannah, Georgia is my favorite place on earth that I have ever been, thus far. Its mystery and beauty intrigues me to no end. There is dark mystery, sadness, gorgeous waterways and marshes, the energy is thick.
I lived in Savannah on and off, mostly on, from 1997-2008. The times I lived and played in Savannah were the best times of my life. After graduating from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2001 I felt the need to live near family in New England. New England. Well me and New England traffic and weather don't mix! So I went back to sweet Georgia and flopped around until I found work with my connections in Savannah again. Not too long after, I was offered a job in Utah at a Yoga retreat center in 2004. I left good old stink town again and took the job and the company crumbled. After Utah kidnapped me, I scraped and pulled my way back to Savannah eventually again. I had a great offer to work for my friend Joel's gourmet cafe in historic City Market right in downtown Savannah. I ran back with a swiftness and had so much fun working for him and finding love in my home again. It was like putting on a well broken in pair of leather sandals. Comfy. I knew this was where I would spend the rest of my days and this feeling was great.
Then I fell in love with an Army guy. His job has taken me away, once again from my home. But I believe our subconsciousness guides our lives. So I know I have "chosen" this path. But I will carry Savannah with me, every day until I return once more. It is my happy place. I find so much creativity there and a thriving economy. It is filled with growth and people eager to be progressive, but not too quickly! A slow, easy lifestyle where newness will come along with conservative mindsets around the deep history. It is a beautiful place with the best community and wonderful friends and warmness.
I pay homage to the friendly town. Thank you Savannah, for cradling me and caring for me in my journey toward adulthood! I miss my drive over the Wilmington River. I love my Tybee meditations. To remember, I throw a mental party about my memories of exciting nights on the town filled with laughter and cool wind through steamy dark evenings. I miss seeing the transition of almost NO Yoga around to seeing three studios thrive there! I loved my job at good old Daniel Lumber because of the PEOPLE and the deep Savannah heritage. I will take you with me everywhere I go, Savannah!
Until we meet again.....
To be continued,
i think you summed up exactly how i feel about savannah. i only lived there for a short time but it haunts me. i dont know what kind of energy it has but it stays with you and its magical. i dream about savannah all the time...so wierd!!!!! love you