I am so excited!!! I am dedicating today's entire blog entry to Army wives!!!!!!! I am just breaking into the cyber-world trying to reach out to as many people as possible. Since we discovered we are moving to the island of Okinawa, Japan, I guess I have felt a little foreshadowing of isolation. I would like to stay in touch with as many family members, friends and loved ones as I possibly can through my little laptop for this reason. I am excited to report that through the internet I have found a lot of Army wife web sites to join and groups to be a part of. Please come back and refer to this blog and look for listings of awesome Mom/Military wife web sites and groups.
I never wanted to leave my (second) home of Savannah, GA. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio and moved to Savannah for college and NEVER LEFT for almost 12 years. I did travel around for work and relationships but always ended up back in my home of good old Geeee-orgia. Anyone who knows me knows I beat this subject to death. But when I was about 26 I decided I would spend the rest of my life setting down roots there and I love, love, loved the idea of that. I really hate moving and I love painting walls in my home and making my space my sanctuary. I love involving myself in a community and knowing people and locals.
I fell in love with an Army guy. Yup.
All these things I love......have to now be thrown out the window and burned in the street. No more roots. No more wall paint. No more Savannah. BUT..........hello Okinawa!!!!! I am so excited about our move to Japan!!! And it has spawned this blog, my Facebook and Twitter memberships and has connected me with so many people, old friends from Ohio and everything!!!!
But my main goal is to reach out and connect with as many Army wives as possible! So follow me, contact me, chat with me! There is strength in numbers ladies and I fully intend on being strong. I want ideas and love and I share ideas and love. It has been hard for me and my baby to be alone a lot, but also hard for my husband to be away from us and working so hard his entire last year of training.
My goals are the same, community, love, roots. Now I just have to find them in a global way, and how cool is that!!!???
I guess I will just keep painting my wood furniture instead of my walls, so as to keep things fun.
LOVE TO YOU ALL OUT THERE!!!!! Stay strong! You are not alone.
Find me on Facebook under: Rebecca Sweeney Krokoski, Augusta, GA
Not an army wife, but I enjoyed reading this! I love reading all of your blogs - you're such a fabulous writer with an open heart. (And I figured out how to log on - aren't you proud?!)